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2 Secrets Millionaires Kept From You About Internet Marketing Info
By Vern How Chan

Good Internet Marketing Info Is Rarely Exposed Because It Is Valuable!

You see those ebooks, tips and trick being published online and sold for more than a dime? These Internet marketing info products are being sold at prices between $27 to about $497 a pop.  Yet people still buy them.

What you don't see is that price points rarely determine the quality of the material it really is all about how much you need that specific information at the point of time. Here are 2 secrets about how info millionaires make good online and how you can have a slice of the cake too:

Secret 1: Selling The Dream, Creates Your Dream
In order not to sound too dreamy, most Internet marketing info vendors know that the front of the product is not the product features. It is the benefits that will bring to the customer who purchases it.
Such as the person who buys a fridge will have cheaper cost in groceries because they can store food longer and a more comfortable life because of the ice cream they can enjoy. Likewise, marketers online rides on the dreams that most people want to achieve which is to gain solutions to their problems quickly.

Of course, nothing comes close to having your own product but it certainly has to be a solid one and based on your well of knowledge you already have. Sell a dream but one that you are already experiencing that other people would like to experience too.

Secret 2: Strong Relationships Build Strong Customer Bases
Imagine that you came into a chocolate shop (sorry, I happen to like chocolates so bear with me, okay?). You decide to purchase a box, the owner leaves you a pleasant smile and packs a few pieces as a 'gift' to your patronage. You're leaving with a good impression, right?

Now, imagine what you will do when you reach home or go to work the next day? Yes, you talk about it to your friends and this generates 'word of mouth' advertising for the owner. All this is done consciously and yet you still feel happy talking about it.

It's all the same with Internet marketing info online and you can increase your customer base by being generous first to reach 'first level' relationship with them. Then, overtime fan the flames of closeness by giving them good things frequently.

Are You In For The Long Haul?

I've heard of scammers running multiple Internet marketing info sites and this is truly a shame to the industry in general. Thing is, it all starts with people like you and me. Even if you run a tight ship make sure its a business that's going to last. Build an ethical business that delivers true honest value. You'll achieve your income goals soon enough.

Want to learn the secrets of profitable Internet marketing? Download your free report: Secrets Of Marketing Online []

Vern How is a webmaster, author and web traffic generation expert. He helps thousands of individuals overcome their personal obstacles in marketing online.
Recession Proof Business 
Strong Statement For A Powerful Industry
By Janet Callaway

Recession Proof Business - strong statement for a powerful industry - the network marketing/direct selling industry. In this economy, it is more important than ever to understand the strength of this industry and its history. When you do, you will appreciate why world-renowned economist Paul Zane Pilzera highly successful social entrepreneur and author of nine best selling books, believes this industry is unstoppable.

He sees this industry as recession proof vs. what we see happening in the auto, real estate and most other industries these days.

Statistics show the network marketers/direct selling industry grew 90 percent in the last 10 years and is expected to double in the next ten years. Specifically, from years 2006-2016 it is expected to grow from 30 billion dollars in the United States and $100 billion dollars internationally to $60 billion and $200 billion respectively. That's a recession proof business.

In his book The Next Millionaires Professor Pilzer goes on to say that "ten million new millionaires will be created between 2006-2016... and that you can become one of them if you are in direct selling, technology, home based business, product distribution, or an emerging trillion-dollar industry like wellness."

With those conclusions it is no wonder financial and business experts alike speak so highly of this industry. Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki wrote a couple of books recommending the industry while Billionaires Donald Trump and Sir Richard Branson of the Virgin Empire each own companies within it. Warren Buffet, arguably the most successful investor in the world, owns 3 companies in this industry. In fact, when he purchased Pampered Chef back in 2002 he said he considered it to be one of the best investments he ever made. 

That, from a man who definitely knows all about investments. is compelling.

They believe in the Now of this industry because of their knowledge and experience. Let's go back in time so that I can share its history with you and why I believe it is a recession proof business.

Once upon a time, at the beginning of the 20th century, a man named Henry Heinz started his own company. Using vegetables, he made such products and ketchup and pickles to sell to consumers who were unable to grow their own vegetables. To spread the word of his products, he organized a sales force of some 400 people.

Asa Candler bought the formula for Coke Cola from pharmacist John Pemberton back in 1886 then formed a sales force to sell the syrup to restaurants.

Back in 1885 David McConnell created a sales force of some 10,000 reps for his California Perfume Company. In 1939 the name of the company changed to Avon Products. A high percentage of people have heard of Avon yet few realize it has been around 125 years and does in excess of $10 Billion a year in sales.

As his sales force developed, Carl Rehnborg, founder of California Vitamins noticed a couple of interesting things. It seemed that most of his new reps were friends of existing reps and they wanted to be able to buy the products at wholesale. Thus the term "friendship marketing" was born. From a financial standpoint his other discovery was significant. He realized that it was far more profitable for him to have a sales force of many people who each sold a small amount rather than having to rely on a few super stars.

What Carl did next was the start of network marketing as we know it today. First, he combined his two discoveries; then he created a compensation plan which encouraged his reps to enlist friends and family members as reps. California Vitamins changed its name to the NutraLite Food Supplement Corporation.

Over the next several decades numerous other companies that are still household names, opened their doors. Those recession proof businesses are still going strong, each with sales in the multiple billions of dollars a year. Here are a few of those familiar names:

1945-Tupperware founded by Earl Tupper and Brownie Wise
1956-Jafra Cosmetics founded by Jan and Frank Day
1963--Mary Kay Cosmetics founded by Mary Kay Ash
1959-Amway, founded by Jay Van Andel and Richard De Vos, two high school friends who joined NurtaLite after the war and subsequently took it over in 1972.

As you can see, the network marketing/direct selling industry has long been a recession proof business. The products introduced by companies in this industry over the years are well recognized around the world and often create new categories. For instance, did you realize that aloe vera was first introduced to us back in 1978 by a network marketing company based in Arizona? You probably have multiple products in your home with aloe vera in them and yet, even with all the other companies marketing aloe vera, that company still does multiple billions of dollars a year and commands a huge percentage of the market.

As you can see, this is an industry that is here to stay. Its longevity speaks to its ability not only to survive but to thrive in all economies a truly recession proof business; the experts mentioned above speak to its profitability and the millions of people involved speak to its possibilities delivered. A solid company within this industry gives you the vehicle to drive into the future you want for you and your family.

Do you understand why experts and those of involved in the industry are so passionate about it? Do you believe it can make the difference in your life? Do you see how social networking is going to make it even bigger?

Janet Callaway, The Natural Networker can be found on Facebook and Twitter with the user name janetcallaway. If you enjoy a challenge, working in a team environment and breaking out of the norm, you might be good at what I do. I believe, success is best achieved by working together. I educate and mentor people by helping and teaching them how they can be or do or have anything they want. By sharing my knowledge and experiences with others, I am hopeful that we all will make better, more informed choices that will have a positive impact in the world. Come visit with me at Janet Callaway, Home Business [].
 6 Steps to Start Your Affiliate Marketing Business With Low Cost
By Siripong Roongruangsuwan 

Within this article, you will discover and learn step-by-step instruction of how to start your own business with a limited budget, including the secrets to affiliate millionaires. With those steps and secrets, you will get better understand of how to start, build and run the right affiliate marketing business for your success in the future.

1. Discover your own passion. First of all, you have to define what you love to do. The reason why you have to discover your own passionate is that you have to discover what you really love to do. With your passionate, you can do and be the best one in your areas among other competitors. Many studies reveal that all most successful entrepreneurs love what they do in their areas. Now, you can start finding your own passionate by your hobbies, interests or even your expertise. Which one do you love to do the most? The highest recommendation is to list all possible things you love and priority them. Once you have finalised what you love already, you are now ready to build your online business in the future.

The secrets to affiliate millionaires are to: (1) discover what you love and (2) follow your own passionate.

2. Do your own research and learn about affiliate marketing on the internet. Internet is a huge global library for finding information. With the proper place and the power of search engines, you can definitely find the great places for studying the affiliate marketing business. You will need to know: (1) what the affiliate marketing is (2) how it works (3) what it benefits for you and (4) how you can maximize the power of affiliate marketing strategies (e.g. traffic generation, list generation, and other marketing strategies) to earn money on the internet. All those questions are required to be researched and answered. You have to prepare yourself for the big opportunity in the affiliate marketing business world. It is a real business!

The secrets to affiliate millionaires with limited budget are to: (1) utilize the power of free information on the internet (2) utilize the power of search engine to search everything you need to know and (3) learn from the reliable sources on the internet until you are confident that you have a clear picture of affiliate marketing and better understand it.

3. Find great niche products online. Many studies reveal that information products are perfectly suitable for affiliate marketing business where you can start with. With the information products, there are no any concerns about delivery time, products shipping and so on between customers and merchants. The customers can download those information products instantly online. And they can use it immediately. The information products could be: (1) e-book online (2) software application and (3) video online. You can start finding the information products online in the Clickbank marketplace. There are a lot of niche information products in the Clickbank marketplace. You can search and try to promote the popular information products over there. Also, you can tap-in new products in the Clickbank marketplace. Once you join the affiliate marketing program in Clickbank marketplace, you will get the affiliate links where you will be paid a commission, when you make a sale.

The secrets to affiliate millionaires are to: (1) discover reliable, lucrative and needed information products in Clickbank (2) try to promote new products in Clickbank marketplace (3) protect your affiliate links and commission to the hackers or third parties (4) join multiple affiliate marketing program at a time and (5) review those affiliate products for your own personal comments.

4. Purchase your own web hosting package. Next, you have to choose your own domain name and purchase a web hosting package. Actually, there are many free web hosting packages on the internet, but the highest recommendation is to purchase the most secure, reliable and stable web hosting package for your business. It appears that web hosting packages will be your business partners for life. With this sense, it is not a good idea to purchase free web hosting package. There are many cheap and affordable web hosting providers on the internet. You can purchase your own domain name and hosting less than $120 per year.

The secrets to affiliate millionaires are to: (1) choose the catchy domain name and (2) select the most reliable, secure and stable web hosting provider.

5. Build your own website. Obviously, you will need to build your own website, where you can insert your affiliate links, for affiliate marketing business. There are many reasons why you need your own website. The major reason is that you need to do your own sell activities, by giving the quality content and reviews, before driving visitors forward to the merchants' website. It is a great idea to build your own review page where you can give the product reviews for your affiliate products. However, to build your own website, there are many free quality website builder tools to help you to design and create your own web page. With those tools, you will not pay initially any dollars for building your own website.

The secrets to affiliate millionaires are to: (1) build high quality website and (2) create the review page for reviewing the products in the market.

6. Start driving the traffic to website. Truly, there are many affiliate marketing strategies to drive traffic to your website. Those affiliate strategies can be divided into two groups: (1) free strategies and (2) paid strategies. With the limited budget, it is obviously that free affiliate marketing strategies are the final choice. You can utilise those free affiliate marketing strategies through: (1) write & submit articles (2) place online classified advertisements (3) market your blog on the internet (4) participant in the social networking sites, like MySpace (5) socialise in forums, like Warrior and (6) search engine optimization (or SEO).

The secrets to affiliate millionaires are to: (1) be patient with those free affiliate marketing strategies (2) be consistency with those strategies and (3) monitor, track and evaluate the results from them closely.

Final thoughts, you have learned how to start your own affiliate marketing business with the limited budget. With those above steps, all your investment could be only purchasing the web hosting package for your website, which can be less than $120 per year. Also, with those affiliate marketing strategies, you will not pay any dollars for driving traffic to your website. You can start paid affiliate marketing strategies when you earn profits from those strategies. However, the final secrets to affiliate millionaires are to: (1) be patient (2) be consistent and (3) monitor, track and evaluate the results closely.

Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of building success and profitable affiliate marketing business. His website, [], provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about affiliate marketing business.

Grab free special reports at: [].
By Dan C Johnson  

Internet Millionaires don't rely on pure luck in order to acquire their wealth or success. They understand the keys to success and If you can duplicate these keys you can easily start and run your own internet business. Internet millionaires seem to use two types of external and internal ideas in order to acquire their wealth. If you want to become an internet millionaire yourself it would be good to explore these secrets in detail.

What exactly are the the secrets that internet millionaires have in their tool kit?

The first secret is to always have a strategy and build a foundation upon that. Having a marketing strategy is imperative as opposed to just jumping in with no marketing techniques. One thing that we have to look at is massive advertising. It doesn't seem to have the strength that it used to carry. You could easily waste time and money using massive marketing techniques without first analyzing the state of that market.

The second internet millionaire secret is to be specific and not a generalist. It's important to identify a specific market and target your ads to that segment of the people. It's important to identify your niche market now because consumers have many choices as to where to purchase their products.

Searching for and identifying untapped markets is also essential in making money quickly before the major group of marketers move there ahead of you. Today we have markets just selling water and air, which for years were both free. Always be on the lookout for new markets to venture into where a certain product hasn't been available before. For years you had to visit Colorado if you wanted to buy Coors Beer, but now they expanded the market east of the Mississippi and it's almost sold everywhere. If you move your product into an up tapped market you are able to limit the number of competitors to a minimum. Also if you control the market, you can establish a rapport and trust with your new consumers.

One of the best kept secrets of internet millionaire is to offer backend products once you have a prospect. If you want to capitalize on selling more products and services, you need to have several profit centers. These profit centers are supported by your backend products. This is know as diversification and brings in money through many different websites. One profit center isn't going to allow you to retire early.

Automation is the key to running your business otherwise it becomes cumbersome and tiring. Having an automated system allows you to sell goods and services 24/7. This allows your customers to shop day or night and your business is always open. Another trick of internet millionaires is to automate the business and run it so that you become replaceable. You can then out source to someone else to run your business. Branding is one way to make yourself replaceable. Branding also encompasses yourself along with the value that you provide. 

Branding yourself can be lucrative but you can't take a break because you still have to make every decision. If you brand your value then you are selling your expertise and not your time.

It's important to not work alone but build a support team for your business venture. You can build a team of JV partners with someone handling the marketing, someone to handle the business and a mentor and accountability individuals. Having a JV partner gives you someone to bounce ideas off of and help generate new strategies.

What are the other secrets that internet millionaires have? Self confidence and believe in their product is a must for an internet millionaire. Being quick to make decisions is also a plus. these millionaires have learned the right information and modeled others that have proven success. They aren't afraid to make a mistake and their job doesn't define who they are. One of the most important secrets is that millionaire marketers preserve and never stop regardless of the obstacles that cross their path.

Next, Learn How to Generate 19 Income Streams Per Day. Fill in the Box on my blog and Get Started Now. Want to know more about the Author/Editor, Dan Johnson, visit my about page Leave me your comments, would love to hear from you.
Donald Trump on 
Network Marketing Companies and Residual Income

Internet Networking Companies

Recently Donald Trump launched his very own MLM Business Opportunity based around the Health industry.  Its called The Trump Network.  While we all know that Donald is the king of Real Estate he has recognized the power of the Internet and Network Marketing Companies.  He has launched a full campaign into building Internet Assets such as Residual Income through this new venture.

Building residual income in this manner has and always will be the way the Rich create wealth.  Its a commonality that is found between all Millionaires and successful people.  They all have a source of passive income.  In the early days for Mr. Trump it was Real Estate and I'm sure it always will be but he now sees the uncanny ability to build real estate online through Network Marketing.Digital Real Estate that is and not apartment houses or buildings.

A New Age for Residual Income 

Over the years creating passive income was built around owning income producing property or Amway.  Today with a new generation of passive income seekers this market has opened up to even the most successful.  The days of asking friends to join a program are over.  With today's technology people are able to build passive income streams almost automatically.  When someone Like Donald Trump takes the time to speak to an MLM Business Opportunity Group you should pay attention.  His actions alone show that building residual income streams is not only important but its The key factor to his billions.

With the giants of other industry leaders coming online to promote Network Marketing and building Residual Income more and more people will start to follow.  Its following leaders like Donald and others like him that lead to success.  The busy stay at home Mom or the salesmen who works 60 hours a week are benefiting from Network Marketing.  In the past most people have a bad vibe for MLM business opportunities.  Mainly because of bad management, leadership or what have you.  Today the leaders of successful MLM Companies are not hiding behind web pages. You can connect with them online through Facebook, Twitter and many other social media avenues.

Join the Passive Income Revolution 

Its not hard these days to have a presence online.  There are many tools made available to you and most are free.  You can have a page up on Facebook and YouTube in less than a hour.  Promoting your MLM or Network Marketing company to the billions and billions of people on line.  The more Leaders such as Donald Trump who jump into this arena of MLM Business Opportunities, the more people will flock to the internet to see what its about.  If your positioned right you stand to make a windfall just by allowing the leaders market for you.

When Donald Trump mentioned that Network Marketing and Residual Income online was where the future was heading there were over a hundred thousand people on the call.. 

When the man who creates Millions daily speaks, People Listen.
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